Monday, June 9, 2008

57 in Satsop

It was early May and I was making the drive over to Ocean Shores, Washington. While driving down the highway, I saw a sign on the road for Satsop, Washington. Not a whole lot in that part of the valley, except tons of fields and two remnants from the Whoops disaster. For those that have not seen it they are two nuclear power plant towers that were never completed. Satsop is also the home of the Satsop bulb farm. So I turned off the road to pick up some tulips for my wife. After buying an assortment of tulips and daffodils, I walked to my car and there it was. A beautiful sea green/turquoise 57 Chevy. The driver and passenger dressed in their Sunday best. As soon as he parked the car, I was over talking to the owner. It turns out that he was the first and seventh owner for the car. Here are the pics. Hope you enjoy.


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